ABC Pathways Surfboard
Brain Body Connection
There are muscles in our eyes that focus near and far and muscles that allow us to track left to right and up & down. Eye tracking exercises strengthen the muscles in our eyes to increase the length of time that the eyes can focus on reading. The body becomes more efficient at maintaining balance, reacting quickly to changes, and sustaining stability for longer periods. This not only improves physical coordination but also enhances mental focus and spatial awareness.
Integrating Movement with Academics in the ABL Lab
To start, students will work only on balance by moving the marble through the figure 8 and waves on the board. As basic movements are mastered, progressions can be added to introduce academic content. Student's can work on teacher provided content with a partner using flash cards or from the smart board.
ABC Pathways Surfboard Movement:
Rotational movement of the trunk, lateral push and pull off legs while balancing, slight knee bends, and engaged core.
12 Foundations of Learning Readiness Benefits:
Balance, Eye Tracking / Visual Reaction, Peripheral Awareness / Body in Space
Ways to Implement our ABL Surfboard
Use as a transitional activity! The focus and movement children use on the Surfboard can help get them prepared for the next session topic, exercise, or lesson in an environment!
Download Progressions & Activity Sheet