ABL has worked with schools around the world to impact the lives of over 13.7 million children. We are on a mission to reach 25 million by 2025. Learn More
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Healthy Kids Oklahoma (HSOK) has a proven record of promoting health within schools and has been widely recognized by the state legislature and endorsed by both OSDE and the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH). The Central Oklahoma Turning Point Initiative named HSOK as a “best practice model” for the State of Oklahoma. HSOK has also been recognized by the Oklahoma State Medical Association for its progress in improving the health of Oklahoma ABL has always been a champion for HSOK and what we are doing in Oklahoma. ABL supports our mission, and has worked with us for the past 9 years in making sure we had everything we needed to be successful. Learn more here
Leader of the Kinesthetic Classroom Movement - Using Neuroscience to Revolutionize Education. Of 47 total campuses -16 have full labs, 31 campuses have flexible seating and/or kinesthetic equipment.
Dakota State University Kinesthetic Classrooms, Dr. Scott Klungseth leads an initiative to optimize learning in classrooms across the US. Watch video here!
Our very first local partnership is with MUSC Children’s Health. What a wonderful organization that puts the needs of kids first always. Check out our research article, with the help of MUSC.
One of our newest partnerships, and one that is something totally new for ABL! Breaking boundaries within the Active Counseling area, and continue to implementing ABL and personal strategies to inform my programming.The findings that kids have greater mental and emotional stamina during active counseling as opposed to traditional talk therapy. It seems to help kids better process social-emotional stressors and trauma, as well as promote enhanced executive functioning; not to mention the physical benefits.