Grants & Funding
Grant Alerts
Register your school. Anytime funding is available that your school qualifies for, you get notified first!
Grant Finder Tool offers an easy to use search tool by state! Check back here frequently for grants available now!
Game Changer Grant
ABL provides up to $10,000 to schools applying for ABL Labs and Kinesthetic Classrooms.
Search hundreds of grants available to you on This includes private schools!
Other Online Sources
Search the new workspace for all gov funding. Download the mobile app - for instant alerts!
Sample Proposal
Request a sample written proposal which includes the research, data, and ABL program info, to help you in writing yours!
ESSA Funding
ABL qualifies for the Every Student Succeeds Act under Title IV, Part A, "Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants."
Post your wishlist to help you connect with donors who want to fund your classroom project!
Join The ABL Community
ABL news, upcoming training events, and grant alerts! Check out Action Based Learning Schools... in ACTION! @actionbasedlearning
Join the ABL Community
Follow the largest #actionbasedlearning community on Twitter. Become an #ABLchampion now! @Kidsfit_ABL
ABL Powerpoint
ABL has tons of visual presentations you can use to introduce ABL to your team. Click below for a sample presentation, or send us an email to request a powerpoint you can customize to your school!
Get Involved
Free and low cost ways to begin ABL strategies with or without equipment! Download this 1 page guide to get involved with Action Based Learning today