Action Based Learning K-2 Lab
Why the Action Based Learning Lab?
Research shows children are not reaching their full potential if they are sitting all day. When children are active, the brain makes connections needed for anchoring information, memory, and recall.
ABL uses purposeful movement strategies to the child's advantage, resulting in healthier, happier students who test higher.
Movement not only grows new brain cells and prepares the brain for learning, but it works to enhance development, and helps close learning gaps in students who are struggling. Simply put, ABL Labs are designed to prepare the brain for learning.
What is the brain body connection?
Research shows the strong connection between the brain and body and the link to overall cognitive development.
What is the purpose of the lab?
To prepare the brain for learning!
Brain science strongly supports the link between movement and learning. The brain and body's movement and learning systems are interdependent and interactive. For example, the body's vestibular system controls balance and spatial awareness and facilitates the student's ability to place words on a page! The body's motor, balance, and vestibular systems must be developed properly in order for the brain to have the mechanisms necessary to process information. If a child skipped crawling, for example, the brain may have missed a step in practicing processing information. If the child is given the opportunity to practice and rewire those systems, then the brain is able to develop the foundations necessary for learning readiness. Proper development and remediation of these systems are critical to a childs’ success in the classroom. Learn more
What are the 12 Foundations of Learning Readiness?
Each active learning station in the lab, applies what we know about the brain body connection by focusing on the 12 Foundations of Learning Readiness.
There are 12 core foundational skills that help students build the framework (and prepare their brains) for learning: cross lateralization, body in space, balance, visual development, tactile learning, motor skills, visual tracking, hand/eye/foot coordination, cardiovascular and physical fitness, rhythm, problem solving, and mindfulness. Practicing these foundations helps us close learning gaps and help students reach their maximum learning potential.
ABL K-2nd Complete Lab Package:
ABL Labs come with formal training and classroom certifications for schools and after school learning centers. ABL Lab packages are customized to fit individual needs, budgets, and spaces. All ABL Labs include stations to target all 12 Foundations of Learning Readiness.
Keep in mind, since Action Based Learning Labs are customized and based on the needs of the school, your lab can be built slowly over time. It is not required to start with the complete lab package. We often work with schools who begin with little to no budget, providing long term planning and support, as well as assistance in grants and funding.
Request a free needs assessment for your school, and receive a custom quote same day. For funding and grant opportunities, check out the ABL grants page.
Is the ABL lab sold in a package or by individual stations?
Both! Many schools opt for the entire lab package, which includes staff training, lab manuals, support materials, activity guides, as well as all of the stations necessary to focus on the 12 Foundations of Learning Readiness. However, not all schools will have the resources to implement a complete lab package immediately. Action Based Learning Labs can be customized to fit the specific needs of the school. The first (and highly recommended) step is to attend an Action Based Learning training. Trainings provide an in depth understanding of ABL, the brain research behind the 12 Foundations of Learning Readiness, and allow educators to leave with a vision of what ABL looks like in the school setting!
Who runs the lab?
Typically, classes are scheduled 2-5 times a week for 20-30 minute lab sessions. The lab may be facilitated by the individual teacher during the scheduled time. Ideally, the school designates a lab coordinator to facilitate the ABL Lab. Many times, the physical educator or health and wellness coordinator takes the initiative to lead ABL within their own school and/or districtwide.
Recommended to include in K-2 Lab:
(1) Numeracy Noggin Wall Mount
(1) Letter Learning Wall Mount
(1) Keyboard Mat
(1) Platform Steps
(1) Veggies Boxes
(1) Add-On Incline Crawl Ladder for Veggie Boxes
(1) Whaler Sensory Board
(1) Green Rockin' Turtle Shell
(1) Telephone Math Mat
(1) ABL Ladder Package w/ Academic Cards
(5) Balance Boards
(1) Roll & Crawl Mat Package
(1) Balance Rope
(1) Balance Beam
(1) Ele-Fun Eye Tracker
(1) Monkey See Eye Tracker
(1) Rainbow River Stones Set
(1) Helicopter Spin
(1) Frog Hop Number Line Mat
(1) Geo Color Hop Mat
(1) High Five Jungle Cross-Lateralization Wall Mount
(1) Yoga for Kids Wall Mount
(1) Animal Round-Up Wall Mount
(1) Tactile Stepping Pathway
(1) BBA Graphics Package
(1) ABC Pathways Mat w/ Teacher & Student Cards
(1) Eye Tracking & Balance Surfboard
(1) Super Small Swim N Spin
Music to my ears! 🎶 We had a great time in our ABL lab singing a song about our multiples of 7. @LiestmanES @Kidsfit_ABL @AliefABL pic.twitter.com/LkxFl4HAao
— Stephanie Ramos (@MissSRamos__) October 20, 2022
Action Based Learning Body Brain Adventure Lab for Elementary School Students
View School Spotlights of ABL Labs in Action
Action Based Learning Labs are designed to prepare the brain for learning. Each active learning station in the lab, applies what we know about the brain body connection by focusing on the 12 foundations of Learning Readiness. For example, the body’s vestibular system controls balance and spatial awareness. Strengthening these foundations facilitates the students ability to place words and letters on a page. When a student walks or crawls in specific patterns, the brain’s ability to encode symbols is increased. Proper development and remediation of these systems are critical to a childs’ ability to learn.
Students engaged in Action Based Learning improve memory retention, reinforce academic concepts, balance brain chemicals while experiencing whole-brain, whole body learning.
Day to Day
Typically students will spend 2-5 minutes at each station in the lab, rotating at the sound of a buzzer. Some of the stations include flip-chart holders, the content of the flip chart can be customized based on the curriculum for that day. This is great for students reviewing facts before tests! Students can also pair up and work with partners - one student will be moving while the other student is quizzing them.
ABL equipment comes with formal training and classroom certifications for schools and after school learning centers. ABL lab packages are customized to fit individual needs, budget, and space. All ABL labs include stations to target all 12 foundations of learning readiness.
Request a free needs assessment for your school, and receive a custom quote same day! For funding and grant opportunities, check out our grants page!
@yamilets777 loved working with Ms. Carmago’s 4th graders this morning in the @Martin_Mustangs @Kidsfit_ABL lab! pic.twitter.com/MsVJ1GHBt7
— Alief ISD Action Based Learning (@AliefABL) September 28, 2022
Action Based Learning Neuronasium Labs for Middle and High School Students
Movement is a critical factor for the developing teen brain, and has been proven to positively influence the way the adolescent brain is structured, enhance cognition, and impact brain function throughout the adolescent years. All Action Based Learning Labs are based on the brain research that shows us how movement improves brain function. The lab is designed for 2 key purposes (1) to maximize cognitive capabilities (2) to provide adolescents an advantage to learning.
As students learn and move in the Neuronasium lab, they experience greater self awareness, heightened self esteem, and improved social skills. As a result of practicing purposeful movement throughout the learning process, students will experience challenge, feedback, and physical activity, three components that are necessary for optimal brain function.
Although the underlying concepts in each lab remain constant, the program design is flexible and can be modified or adopted to meet the needs of every student, and adjusted to fit within each school's space and budget requirements. School's may request a need assessment call & custom proposal for Neuronasium Labs here.
Elementary Classroom Circuit
Elementary Carts are portable and assist in creating a school-wide environment of Action Based Learning!
ABL offers 2 types of Circuits:
Action Based Learning Mobile Circuits offer schools more flexibility to implement Action Based Learning Strategies without compromising space and budget. Circuits provide ABL equipment and support materials content specific for the elementary level to assist educators in integrating academics with purposeful movement.
Support materials provide over 120 Activities and 35+ tools and equipment stations on board the mobile classroom circuit. The provided activities can be easily modified and adapted to provide hundreds of additional activities for students as they progress. Circuits include 141 page ABL Manual, Academic Charts, Cue Cards, Activity Guides, Academic Mats, Wall Mounts, and ABL accessories/equipment that can be quickly pulled off the circuit and used in the hallways, classrooms, or common areas for quick purposeful movement activities that prepare the brain to learn throughout the day.
All circuits include:
+ ABL Academy Online Course!
Each circuit includes a free course to provide instructor training on how to use the ABL cart and strategies to integrate academics with cart activities - free with order provided by ABL Online Academy!
Recommended for those with or without an ABL Lab! Also excellent for those who are already operating an existing ABL Lab within their school and looking to bring ABL beyond the lab. The concepts practiced using the Math and Reading circuits are a direct extension of the work students do in the lab to support purposeful movement strategies and anchor learning. The equipment is versatile to accommodate various elementary grade levels (K-5) and allow students of varying capabilities to practice the 12 Foundations of Learning Readiness.
Why are purposeful movement activities important?
Neuroscience shows the relationship between the brain and body plays a critical role in the child's overall development and ability to learn. Research shows, practicing specific movements, can strengthen these connections and improve reading, writing, memory tasks, & allow children to absorb & retain information more efficiently.
What types of purposeful movement activities are critical to learning?
There are 12 critical areas necessary for a child to develop in order to achieve their full academic potential. These are called the 12 Foundations of Learning Readiness:
1- Crossing the Midline - Cross Lateralization
2- Body in Space - Vestibular/Proprioception
3- Balance - Spatial Orientation
4- Visual Development - Encoding Symbols
5- Rhythm - Beat Awareness and Beat Competency
6- Tactile Learning- Sensory Motor and Fine Motor Skills
7- Motor Skills - Locomotor and Nonlocomotor Skills
8- Eye/Hand Eye/Foot Coordination - Manipulative Skills
9- Physical Fitness- Strength and Flexibility
10- Cardiovascular Fitness- Aerobic
11- Problem Solving: Embodied Cognition
12- Self Management: Mindfulness and Self-Awareness
Middle School Classroom Circuits
ABL Classroom Circuits are portable and assist in creating a school wide environment of Action Based Learning for Middle School Students (Grades 6th-8th). Circuits include age appropriate equipment and activities, designed to assist the educator in teaching and meeting standard curriculum requirements.
All ABL equipment and support materials included on the circuits are geared for accommodating curriculum in: Math, ELAR, Social Studies, and Science.
Classroom Circuits include:
ABL Circuits include support materials, Academic Charts, Student and Teacher Cue Cards, Activity Guides, ABL Academic Mats, and ABL accessories/equipment that can be quickly pulled off the circuit and used in the hallways, classrooms, and common areas.
Intro phone consultation and training w/ ABL Master Trainer: FREE
Middle School Classroom Circuits - View ABL Stations
How do the circuits work at the middle school level?
- This is not a program, but a teaching tool for educators, and learning tool for students.
- Equipment allows teachers to integrate academics with physical movements to help students anchor learning.
- Educators can also use the circuit activities without academics for quick purposeful movement activities that prepare the brain to learn throughout the day!
- Portability means circuit can be shared between classrooms and adapted to fit various content areas within the subject.
Why are purposeful movement activities important?
Neuroscience shows the relationship between the brain and body plays a critical role in the student's ability to learn. Research shows practicing specific movements can strengthen these connections and improve reading, writing, memory tasks, and allow students to absorb & retain information more efficiently.
ABL Classroom Circuits are a budget friendly and efficient way to implement Action Based Learning Strategies to reach more students to increase activity throughout the school day and create an active school culture.
What types of purpose movement activities are critical to learning?
There are 12 critical areas necessary for a student to develop in order to achieve their full academic potential. These are called the 12 Foundations of Learning Readiness:
1- Crossing the Midline - Cross Lateralization
Action Based Learning Math Immersion Labs are designed to prepare the brain for learning. Each active learning station in the lab, applies what we know about the brain body connection, supporting the link between movement and learning to improved academics. The immersion lab uses purposeful movement layered with mathematics to reinforce what is being taught in the classroom.
Benefits of the lab:
+ Ability to focus for longer periods of time on difficult math problems (CDC)
+ Increased confidence & lower test taking anxiety (CDC)
+ Increased ability to problem solve (CDC)
+ Improved memory, recall & problem solving ability (CDC)
= Improved Math Scores (CDC)
Ways to use the Lab:
+ To reinforce math concepts & anchor learning in the classroom
+ To prepare the brain for learning new concepts
+ To prepare the brain for testing
+ To improve mood & boost student confidence
+ To help students reset, refocus, and re-enter the classroom
Day to Day
Typically students will spend 2-5 minutes at each station in the lab, rotating at the sound of a buzzer. Some of the stations include flip-chart holders, the content of the flip chart can be customized based on the math curriculum for that day. Lab can be utilized to review what is currently being taught in the classroom to anchor learning, as well as pre-test review. Students can also pair up and work with partners - one student will be moving while the other student is quizzing them. Immersion labs often serve as an additional place for students to reset, refocus, and re-enter the classroom.
ABL immersion labs include formal training and classroom certifications for schools and wellness centers. ABL lab packages are customized to fit individual needs, budget, and space. All ABL labs include stations to target all 12 foundations of learning readiness.
Request a free needs assessment for your school, and receive a custom quote same day! For funding and grant opportunities, view ABL Grants Page.
About Our Kinesthetic Math and Telephone Mat
Learn numbers kinesthetically! Use numbers 0-9 to learn cardinal direction and simple math equations. Now made with 100% vinyl mats. Can be used both inside and outdoors.
The Math Telephone Mat encourages motor development and improves:
Dimensions: 58" x 58"