What are Sensory Hallway Paths? Elementary Schools implementing Action Based Learning Hallways

Action Based Learning Sensory Hallway Sets help students focus by encouraging them to be active on their way to class, using activity maps and colorful pathways throughout the hallways. The new trend emerged out of the now widely accepted research that shows movement improves children's ability to learn. Simply put:

Healthy, active kids make better learners!

ABL Sensory Hallway Sets are considered one of the most cost effective and efficient ways to impact children through movement. Hallway graphics are designed to allow educators to customize the ABL Sensory path to fit all spaces, and varying grade levels. Each set allows students to practice the critical foundations necessary to prepare the brain to learn:

Movement and Activity, Balance, Crossing the Midline (Cross Lateralization), Body in Space (Proprioception), Visual Tracing, Rhythm, Tactile Learning, Locomotor Skills, Eye/Hand/Foot Coordination


 sensory hallway set