Healthy Schools Oklahoma Partners with Action Based Learning
To promote and maintain healthy lifestyle choices in Oklahoma through preventive, community-based school health education programs for students, their families, and faculty.
Healthy Kids Oklahoma (HSOK) has a proven record of promoting health within schools and has been widely recognized by the state legislature and endorsed by both OSDE and the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH). The Central Oklahoma Turning Point Initiative named HSOK as a “best practice model” for the State of Oklahoma. HSOK has also been recognized by the Oklahoma State Medical Association for its progress in improving the health of Oklahoma ABL has always been a champion for HSOK and what we are doing in Oklahoma. ABL supports our mission, and has worked with us for the past 9 years in making sure we had everything we need to be successful.
How HSOK Partnered with Action Based Learning
Our partnership started in 2015 when we had a PEP grant. One of the goals for HSOK was to change the way we educate our students through movement. HSOK continues to be a pillar partner with Action Based Learning. They continue to host staff training events with our Master Trainers and continue to be an advocate for ABL. By working together, we have reached more and more children throughout the years! HSOK truly inspires and encompasses everything we believe it, serving all children, including the 3L( last, least, lost).
The Proof is in the Progress
The behavior problems in my classroom are lower on the days we go to the ABL lab. I have noticed an increase in their math fact recall since we have been using ABL to practice math fact fluency”. “Increased activity through movement in classrooms. More excitement for learning and increased student engagement.The ABL staff is always willing to go the extra mile for HSOK and it is MUCH appreciated. The partnership we have built has been amazing”
Continuing Our Strong Partnership
Stay tuned for updates as we track the progress of our ABL program and celebrate the achievements of our children as they embark on this journey to a healthier, happier future. Together, we can make a difference, one step – or boomerboard jump – at a time.
A huge thank you to HOSK for sharing their story and continuing to inspire us to improve the health, wellness, and education for children around the world! To hear more about this story, to request more information on this program, or share a your own story about ABL, contact Check out ABLLAB.COM for more stories!