Eye/Hand/Foot Coordination
The Link between Eye Hand Foot Coordination and Learning
Lab Stations for Eye/Hand Eye/Foot Coordination
The ABL Ele-Fun Ring Toss can be used with any age group. This ABL Station includes activities for layering academic content and add progressions at various grade levels.
For complete list of activities, See Resources below
The ABL Monkey See station is used to work on multiple foundations, with the primary focus being on hand/eye/foot coordination and visual tracking skills.This can be used with any age group (even adults practice hand/eye coordination when we play the outdoor game of corn hole! ) Activities are adjusted based on student's age and milestones met, for example by using an underhand toss or over hand throw.
Monkey See Toss includes Activities for layering academic content and adding progressions at various grade levels. See Resources below
The ABL Numeracy Noggin Wall Station is an easy to implement tool that allows for hundreds of action based learning activities inside the classroom or lab. One key component of this station is the jumbo size, which requires more movement and encourages the child to engage in these kinesthetic purposeful movements in order to complete the activity.
Students can swat, clap, trace, tap, or toss a beanbag while problem solving. Add progressions using partners, or add a balance component below the station to allow varying degrees of challenge. Activities are designed to accommodates learners at all levels.
Numeracy Noggin Wall Mount includes Activity guide with unlimited ideas for skip counting activities, while teaching students to identify numbers and patterns, and strengthen hand eye coordination, and problem solving skills as the primary foundations. For sample activities, see resources below.
Have students practice academic concepts while performing a task with manipulative's like beanbags, balls, racquets, jump ropes, juggling scarves, scoops, and targets.
Create a simple station using a bean bag and a bucket, having students start by standing close to the monkey see station, and moving further away as they strengthen their skills. What to look for: Stepping and tossing in opposition, hand-eye coordination, focus on the target, and follow through to the target.
For an at home station, Toss a ball or object into a target (like a basketball net) suspended just above the child’s head. Stress focusing on the target and tossing the object up and over the front of the rim. To start, Use a target on the ground as a lead up to over the head.
Create a simple target toss and catch station, tossing the ring over the intended target, as students progress they can move further away from the target for added difficulty. What to look for: Stepping and tossing in opposition, hand-eye coordination, focus on the target, and follow through to the target.
These downloads are excerpts from ABL published books by Jean Moize. For all activities, see series below
In the Classroom: || Movement that Counts (MATH)
|| Healthy Body, Healthy Brain
In the ABL Lab: || ABL Lab Manual