Action Based Learning Publishing

Action Based Learning works with brain research experts, educational consultants, and award winning educators to publish books that are backed by research, and proven to provide an advantage to teaching and learning. ABL books, manuals, and activity guides, provide ABL strategies that can be implemented at all levels. ABL focuses on using kinesthetic teaching strategies to teach academic concepts in reading, writing, math, social studies, and science. The lessons are organized according to Gardner's Multiple Intelligences, basic brain concepts, and national standards in each of the major subject areas. The advocacy information included supports the need for daily quality physical activity in our schools. Brain research information and brain game activities provide the teacher a basis for putting learning into action in the gymnasium or classroom, for students of all ages.

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recomended reads
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Classrooms on the Move

Instructional Guide for Kinesthetic Furniture

New ABL Catalog

Reading Jogs the Mind

Movement that Counts

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